Monday, March 9, 2015

The "Get-To" Life

Dallas Willard writes, “The path of spiritual growth in the riches of Christ is not a passive one.  Grace is not opposed to effort.  It is opposed to earning.” 
He goes on to say that these efforts, in the form of spiritual disciplines (things like prayer, worship, confession, service) “are not law, they are wisdom.”
We don’t have to pray; we get to pray.
We don’t have to go to church; we get to go to church.
We don’t have to read the Bible; we get to read the Bible.
We have a “get to” life!  We have a lifetime opportunity to step into the Promised Land and know God, and thus know ourselves.
[from Ned Erickson’s talks at the Harvey Cedars Bible Conference, February 13-15, 2015]

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