“The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and SELF-CONTROL. Against
such things there is no law.”
(Galatians 5:22-23)
We have reached the ninth and final
fruit that Paul lists for the Galatians as products of the Holy Spirit’s work
in our lives—self-control, or temperance.
original Greek word is enkrateia, which Kenneth S. Wuest defines as “possessing
power; strong; having mastery or possession of; continent; self-controlled.”
Some people take issue with translating
enkrateia as self-control, because built right into the word ("self") is the idea
that we are the ones who are doing the work. Temperance, however, appears
more open to the reality of the Spirit being at work in us.
The term self-control works for
me, though, for a few reasons:
- It is more readily understood in modern times than the more archaic term temperance.
- Temperance carries historical associations with the Temperance Movement in the U.S., calling for an end to the making and selling of alcohol, whereas the meaning in the Bible applies to a lot more than just alcohol.
- All of the fruit of the spirit originate and grow by the power of the Holy Spirit, and then manifest in my thoughts, words, and actions. Whether it’s love, patience, faithfulness, self-control, or any of the rest: They only manifest consistently and effectively in my life by the power of the Holy Spirit, not by my own efforts.
For children, perhaps the easiest introductory explanation is:
Self-control is saying “no” to
Here are some activities that can help
children get a better sense of what self-control looks like in everyday life:
Back in my blog post about the fruit of the spirit we call PATIENCE, I referred to the Stanford Marshmallow
Experiment from the 1970s, where children could choose between a small
reward immediately, or a larger reward if they
were willing to wait for a period of time. This same exercise can be
used to talk about self-control.
Put a favorite treat (like a gummy bear,
M&M, marshmallow, or Teddy graham) in one bowl, and a handful of
the treat in another bowl. Give your child this choice: “You can have a treat,
but you have to choose: You can have the first bowl with the small treat in
it before dinner, or you can wait and have
the second bowl with the larger treat in it after dinner.
Do you have enough self-control to say “no” to a small treat now so that you can
enjoy a larger treat after dinner?”
You can follow up with a conversation:
Which did you choose? Why did you make that choice? How did it feel to exercise
self-control in order to get the larger number of treats? (Or, alternatively,
why do you think it was too hard for you to exercise the self-control needed in
order to get the larger number of treats?) Do you think you made the best choice?
Why or why not? (I recommend making space for their own individual opinions;
they may have an interesting argument to offer!)
Bible Story
Jesus is our perfect model of
self-control. We can look at stories about him in the Bible in order to see an
example of holding out against temptation, and having the self-control to do
the right thing.
Read together the story of Jesus’ temptation in the
wilderness, either from a storybook Bible or from Matthew 4:1-11.
Here is a
brief description of this story from the Ministry-to-Children web site:
In this passage, Satan himself comes to Jesus and tempts him three different times. Each time Jesus practices self-control and does not sin. What is Jesus tempted with in verse 2? (Food) Matthew tells us that Jesus has been fasting (not eating) for 40 days and 40 nights and was hungry. Can you imagine how hungry Jesus would be after not eating for 40 days and nights?! I get hungry if I just skip breakfast! Satan knew this and so He tempts Jesus to use His power as God to make some food. However, even though Jesus must have been extremely hungry, through Scripture He used self-control to resist the temptation [in order] to do what was right.
He is our example of self-control, and
by the power of His Spirit inside of us, we can show self-control to resist
temptation too!
If your child has the attention span
to discuss all three of the ways Satan tries to tempt Jesus, then visit the
Ministry-to-Children web site to read more.
Building with
This activity will help children understand
the words found in Proverbs 25:28:
“A man without self-control is like a city
broken into and left without walls.”
(Both Ministry-to-Children and The Littles and Me have a version of this activity.)
Have your children build a little city
out of houses and figures, and then construct a wall around it with blocks or LEGOs. Read Proverbs 25:
28 aloud to them, and explain that it is saying that when we don’t have
self-control, we’re like a city whose walls are broken down and left open to
To demonstrate this truth, give each
child a rolled-up sock or soft ball, and invite them to “attack” the city by
breaking through the walls. What happens to the city when its walls are broken
down? It is left open to attack! An enemy can come by and damage the city even
more, because it is unprotected.
The verse from Proverbs tells us that
when we have no self-control, we are like this city with no walls: we have no
protection against temptation. When we are tempted to do wrong, it will be hard
for us to say “no” and to do the right thing instead.
By allowing the Holy Spirit to direct
our lives, by calling on God through prayer and asking for His help in
developing self-control, we can be in charge of our thoughts and our actions so
that we can do the things that may not be easy, but that we know are the RIGHT
things to do!
Some examples from the Ministry-to-Children web site include:
showing kindness to someone who has just hurt your feelings, obeying your mom
right away when she asks you to clean your room instead of arguing, or waiting
patiently even when you want something really badly because you trust that something
even better lies ahead (like the marshmallow experiment above).
We aren’t on our own in our efforts to show self-control. The
Holy Spirit wants to help us make good choices and do the right thing. Remember
when you are tempted, you can STOP, THINK, and PRAY for God to help you obey
Here is how Ashley at The Littles and Me explains it: STOP what I'm doing.THINK about how my actions, thoughts, words will impact others. PRAY for help to obey God.
Jean, from In All Honesty, had her children create door hangers to remind themselves of these three steps. You can have your children use construction paper or card stock (heavy weight paper) to create a door hanger for themselves, too!
If you missed the earlier posts on fruit of the spirit, you can find them here:
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